17 september 2010

Wind, pills, moussaka.....?

So, the moussaka is in the oven (massive fail I'm guessing), time to reflect on the day... Went for a walk this morning, Malmö offered a little bit of sun but mostly wind. Fynn, being a sailor, loves the wind whereas I just see it as an unnecessary pain, it's cold, it blows up your skirt and it ruins your hair...
Takes you out of the city for a moment
Very picturesque mill, makes you winder about its history.
Now its more widely used as a location for
under-aged drinking....
I feel I need to bring up the issue of birth control measures. I have the pill that supposedly helps against mood swings etc. I mean I'm a very moody person already, I don't need a pill to make it worse. Well, I've been on it a week now and I feel like I'm living on an emotional roller coaster. One second I'm laughing and feel very energetc, like myself really, and the next I want to lock myself in my apartment and cry. For no reason. I can't remember if this is just a introductory phase or if it's going to continue like this? I hope it passes cause I don't want to feel like a crazy hormonal teenager, I've gone through that phase once and I'd prefer to leave it in the past...

To a lighter subject! I had my first seminar today, it revolved around Obama's speech concerning racism in his early campaign, and moved to a very interesting text about "The strange triumph of Human Rights"  by Mazower. It deals with the rise of HR in the period between the two world wars, and claims that it wasn't  actually such asuccess for human rights that it has been glorified to be. It's worth reading if you are interested in history or rights...

I'm going to check on the moussaka now, I went completely off recipe and must say I expect disaster...
As long as you can eat it I'll be happy.

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