13 september 2012

A creatures birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Lena becoming a quarter of a century old. Hip hip hurray! (regarding the heading: we were obviously at Creatures...)
I look so tanned! I wish the camera didn't lie....
I've been thinking whether or not I want to keep the blog, I feel like I don't really have time and I've kind of lost my voice a bit. With all my posts on the environmental issues my readers have dropped a bit which is a shame. So I went back and read some of my writing from 2010 and it was so great to be able to go back and practically relive some of the moments. It wasn't the big things that struck me but the everyday stuff, the things you forget, good or bad. So I'll try to find my voice again and continue blogging, even if it is "very 2005"....

1 kommentar:

  1. Ja, fortsätt blogga och förgyll min tillvaro =) Och din egen =) När jag åkte tillbaks till Nz läste jag genom min resedagbok vad jag hade skrivit när jag var där och det var skitkul. Plus att jag kunde kolla upp vissa saker live som jag hade glömt. Tillexempel ett ställe med väldigt goda kakor =) så nog lönar det sig alltid.
