25 februari 2012


So we are moved out of the beautiful house now. Things just successively became worse. Grace and my house mate who's on the lease is a bit crazy. There were too much drinking, licking cats and lots of other things. Good to be out. So basically this is what has happened the past week (the nice things):
Cavenham Wildlife Park:
wouldn't recommend it. despite the cuddle bears..
Not really that interested in food, bit overfeed I think...
Bond, James Bond
Random buddhist fundraiser with Bond theme. 
Love those nights....
Mmm Espresso martinis
Grace, my new house mate. Don't have a house but at least I've got a house mate....
Evelina, me Arun (in Bond theme) and Grace.
Pose for the camera!

Perth City
Doing some shopping (I know, but sometimes you're allowed to shop a little bit at least... Especially when you're house mate is a raging alcoholic)
London Court, in case you miss Europe...
Clancy's Fish Pub
With best Reggie!
Such a cool band and swing music

Sweden represents!
Cutest bird in Bridgetown!
The wonderful cidery in Bridgetown
Right, back to house hunting! and studying........

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