26 mars 2011


22 March was the international water day instituted by the UN. We celebrated it today in the shopping mall Nova Lund. There was face-painting, balloons, a fish pond (not literal) where you could catch popcorn and an ocean where children could draw whatever sea animal they felt like. I thought it was a great success, I've learnt to paint butterflies and spiderman on 4 years old that are not too keen on the idea of sitting still for 5 minutes!

Sweet little twins, my first butterfly!
I also fell for the temptation of Topshop, damn... I was about to try some clothes on in H&M but I literally couldn't justify even trying them on, I felt such bad conscience since I don't need any more clothes... However, it didn't last long enough since I bought a pair of shorts from Topshop, but I have been looking for a pair of brown shorts a while now! I know I'm only convincing myself....

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