Well, I could have been at UPF pub night but instead Mr Insane Headache knocked on my door and he simply won't leave...
At lunch time we went to the student council to use their microwave and very comfortable couches and it turned out that they had just received jumpers they have ordered for the Humaniora council. So with our lunch in the microwave we went outside to model the jumpers for them! Infront of the university library. As Christoffer pointed out: Very American highschool... But the jumpers are so nice, I really want one!
Love the fact that I have matching shoes!
Classic jumping photo |
After the fun modelling experience it was lunch and back to the books... The three other books just arrived in the mail, so tomorrow, guess what I'm going to do!?
Hej! Med tanke på vad jag läser på din presentation verkar klädutmaningen på alexmo.se vara något också för dig! En facebooksida har också skapats (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kladutmaningen-20/155512801150637) och utmaningen blir bara mer och mer populär i bloggvärlden. En riktig skön kontrast till modebloggarnas konsumtionsmani. Häng på! Mvh Maja